Friday, June 19, 2020

Bluefirefly86's June ECO LStyle Challenge

The eco house challenge inspired me to create the Eco House Restaurant. I wanted the build to look like a cabin on the outside and on the inside it is light and bright. #nocc #furnished #restaurant #BreeMiles #SNSJELChallengeByBM #ShowUsYourBuilds #SAA #TheSims4 #bluefirefly86 #bluedragonflysimsstudio #22simsavenue #ecobuild

Under gallery name Bluefirefly86.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Eco Rock House

Eco Rock House is made out of rocks. This house has an "outdoor" shower. It has a pool for your sims as well. The main color is #green. #nocc #eco #furnished #bluefirefly86 #bluedragonflysimsstudio #22simsavenue

Under gallery name Bluefirefly86

Monday, June 15, 2020

Shell Challenge 6

I did this challenge as a new home for Cassandra Goth and her wife Lacey. They have 4 kids so needed the room.Also has a craft room. All artwork is nocc & done by #juwels64, #cribea9  & #SimSationalToo. Uses MOO. #aquarterghostinashell6 #aquarterghost #shellchallenge #nocc #MOO

Jessica's Twitch Channel!!!!

 Jessica has a Twitch channel and has just become an affiliate!!  She is building for Sims 4!